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ABNB for Your Life

No matter where you are in your financial journey, ABNB is here for you. We’ve got a wide range of products and services to help you make the most of your life — whether you’re packing up for college, packing up to move into your first home, or packing up to spend your retirement days by the beach.

Starting Out

Wow! What an exciting, but scary time to be in — when all kinds of decisions are popping up, just waiting for you to make a selection. Whether you are starting school, entering into the armed services, or stepping into the working world, we can help. 

Choosing a checking account

Put your money in a safe place and watch it earn dividends! So you don’t have to feel guilty for those late-night pizza runs between study sessions. Our checking accounts can even be opened online!


Establishing credit

Most “starter-outers” don’t have any credit established…and obtaining an affordable credit card is a great place to start. A low rate, low balance credit card is a good tool to have because this will be a teaching opportunity to help you maintain your payments and spend wisely, all the while building a sound financial profile.


Paying for college

Paying for college can be tough, even with savings, federal loans, and scholarships, but it's one of the best investments you can make for your future. An ABNB student loan can help make your dreams of continuing on to college a reality. 


Buying a car

Even though the glammed-out convertible makes sense to you…it doesn’t bode well for your wallet. Talk with an ABNB member service representative about getting pre-approved for your car loan before you go shopping. With an affordable monthly payment, the decision may come easier to you while looking for your sensible car.


Getting out of debt 

If you’ve jumped into the debt arena a little too early and made some not-to-great decisions, don’t worry — we can help with that. We will work with you in reviewing your current credit profile and set about making a plan to tackle any problems. We have great financial coaches that will work with you through re-establishing your credit and getting you back on the right track. 


Building Up

To those of you that are starting to settle into your own — navigating your career, looking for your first home, starting a family — these are all monumental occasions. Your financial institution, ABNB, is a tremendous source of information and help during this journey.

Buying your first home

Buying your first home can be a little scary, but also very fulfilling. At ABNB, we can take a look at your financial picture and inform you of your options when deciding to look for your home. We have various products from first mortgages to home equities and more. We also offer competitive rates for insurance coverage.


Starting a family

Awesome! How exciting that you will be parents to “mini-yous.” As your family grows, so do your financial needs. We can help with questions such as:

  • I need baby furniture…help! Check out our small personal loans for needs such as this.
  • Do I need to start saving for my child’s education now? It's never too early to start saving toward their college or trade education. Start today with an easy to open IRA.
  • How do I budget the extra expenses? To help manage the daily bills and expenses of a family, your checking account is the best place to start, review your current checking account and determine if it is the right one for you. With ABNB’s easy online banking and bill pay options, we can set up a system that will take the time out of stressing over your finances and give you the (much needed) time back into your family.

Saving for the future 

ABNB has many options that will help you and your family save money. We recently helped our members save over $4 million by refinancing loans that they had at other financial institutions with lower rates at ABNB. Let us help you. Come in and speak with a representative about how you can start saving today!   


Earning Back

You are probably at a point in your life where you’re done with working and you are enjoying the fruits of your labor — or like many individuals you are still in the work force for various reasons. Whatever the reason, ABNB is here, as your financial partner during this life stage.

Planning for retirement

The earlier you begin to think about and plan for retirement, the more likely you are to reach your retirement goals. Time works wonders in making your savings grow through the power of compounded earnings. Check out our calculators to determine how much you should be saving for retirement.

For personal advice about retirement, contact Robin Garcia at 757.523.5389 or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment with one of our investment reps. They'll help you assess your situation, understand your options, and make some recommendations.


Investing your hard-earned money 

We provide individuals and their families with investment strategies tailored to their unique situations, including:

  • Retirement & income planning
  • Investment analysis and portfolio allocation
  • Tax reduction strategies*
  • Wealth transfer and estate planning strategies

Through our broker-dealer, CUSO Financial Services, LP, we offer a broad range of investment products* to help you implement your plans, including: 

  • Mutual funds
  • Fixed, Equity-indexed, and Variable annuities
  • Traditional & Roth IRA's
  • 529 plans (college savings plans)
  • Life and Long Term Care Insurance
  • Individual stocks & bonds

Contact Robin Garcia at 757.523.5389 or email [email protected] to schedule a personal appointment.